Genetic Algorithm Software Demos:These demo versions of Generator are identical to the full version except that you cannot SAVE your results and the GA will only run 30 generations. Although these demo versions are freely available, they are copyrighted, and use or distribution in violation of the License Agreement and Distribution guidelines is against the law.
After downloading the demo file by clicking on the links below, you must then "UNZIP" the file using a zip decompressor utility, such as: PKZIP - File compressor/extractor for Windows or DOS This shareware product is available from PKWARE, Inc. You should then read the readme.1st file for installation instructions.
GENERATOR - DEMO VERSION is a general purpose genetic algorithm program. It is useful for solving a wide variety of problems such as:
Download the demo version of Generator [, 492K] Example Problems & Tutorials: [11K] A spreadsheet to optimize a multi-element lens design. [8K] Find the optimum placement of three aerosol canisters of "Bug Bomb" to exterminate as many wasps as possible in a house attic. [9K] Traveling salesman problem based on Cartesian coordinates.
GENERATOR-TFV - DEMO VERSION is the financial version of Generator. It is designed to:
Example Problems & Tutorials: [13K] Markowitz Portfolio Optimization Strategy where past returns are used as the measure of the expected return and the past variation in return (the variance) as a measure of risk. [188K] Gain Maximization Based on a Prediction Model. Maximize profitability by adjusting trading positions using data on the S&P500 from 1962-1964 and an existing prediction model.
CHEMSOLVER - DEMO VERSION - a version of Generator for solving problems in chemistry such as:
Download the demo version Chemistry Solver [, 494K] Example Problems & Tutorials: [6K] Design an emergency oxygen mask containing potassium superoxide, KO2, which reacts with CO2 and H2O in exhaled air to produce oxygen. Balance the equation for the KO2 reaction.