Distribution Guidelines

This version of Generator is a Demo program. Although this Generator Demo is freely available, it is a copyrighted program, and use or distribution in violation of the License Agreement and Distribution guidelines is against the law.

You may give copies of Generator to your friends for evaluation. Generator may be placed on BBSs and online service providers (such as Compuserve, GEnie and America Online) provided that the Generator package is downloadable without charge beyond normal connect charges. Generator may be placed onto diskettes distributed by user groups at nominal fee.

When distributing Generator - Demonstration Version, please give the complete contents of the disk, making sure that all note files are transferred as well.

Vendors desiring to place Generator into their catalogs must contact the author at the address below requesting permission to distribute this program, and outlining their fees and policies.

Whenever Generator-Demonstration Version appears on a catalog, diskette, BBS, or online service, it must be identified as a Demonstration Version. Vendors and operators must make it clear that the Demonstration Version is a crippled version of a commercially available GA package called Generator.

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