Genetic Algorithm Software:
Genetic Algorithm Programs utilize evolutionary principles to solve complex mathematical problems.
New Light Industries offers three genetic algorithm software packages, each tailored to meet specific needs:
GENERATOR is a general purpose genetic algorithm program. It is useful for solving a wide variety of problems such as:
- Optimization
- Curve fitting
- Evolution and recombination
- Scheduling
- Multi-variable problems
- Optical lens design,
- Photomask design
- Stock market projections
- Electronic circuit design
- Neural network design and optimization
- Non-linear mathematics and physics problems
- Business productivity and management theories
GENERATOR-TFV is the financial version of Generator. It is designed to:
- Optimize stock or bond portfolios for return/risk tradeoffs
- Structure portfolios to track specific indexes at the lowest cost
- Develop market trading strategies
- Identify efficient transactions for portfolio balancing
- Optimize yield/return mix within portfolio constraints
- Analyze alternative tax strategies
CHEMSOLVER a version of Generator for solving problems in chemistry such as:
- Curve fitting
- Balancing complex equations
- Building mathematical models from empirical data
- Improving reaction efficiency
- Solving coupled sets of nonlinear partial differential equations
- Training artificial neural networks
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